Lights, Camera, Content!

Whether it’s for social media or a darkened theater, Ross is most passionate about creating video. See why below with examples of the formats he’s worked in, and feel free to make some popcorn while you’re at it.


Produced at Temple University, Ross envisioned a documentary to explain why humans latch onto stuffed animals and other “comfort objects.” The film tracks the course of these possessions from early childhood through old age.

Social Media Video

Throughout his career, Ross has jumped at the opportunity to create social-native video. You can see samples below from Ross’ proofs-of-concept for WHYY. You can find one of the videos produced for Michael Smerconish here, and you can see another produced for Tribe 12 here.

Promotion for climate change quizzo event (8/16/2023)

Channeling Mister Rogers to address asylum seekers arriving in Philly (5/11/2023)


Outside of news capturing and documenting, Ross lives for comedy and storytelling. See below a comedy sketch he wrote and directed as well as the opening scene of a pilot he wrote and co-directed.

A short comedy sketch from TUTV’s Temple Smash in 2017.

The cold open from “Ready To Mingle,” Ross’ comedy pilot. Written in 2016, filmed in 2017.